Feel it,wear it;That's what hiphop is all about.First Bob Marley and reggae got music buffs sport flashy prints as they hummed"Could you be loved".Today Dr.Dre,LL CoolJ,Eminem and other hiphop and rapacts have not just made their lyric-heavy music a 'Cool' anthem with the GenX but have got them wearing the street attitude,literally.
"Hiphop fashion is all about the right attitude.They need to love rap and hip hop music.The cloths they wear represents that," says Zeeshan,a hiphop dancer.
Rugged looks and camouflage go with the 'we care a damn'and 'happy-in-my-skin'mantra.So do hooded sweatshirts with monkey caps,baggy T-shirts baseball and basketball tees popular among the community.
"Hiphop fashion for me is XXL size,very comfortable,"says MoBoucher from the Thugs Unit,the hip hop band.
Baggy it is for denims or three-fourths as well.Too many pockets are s strict no-no.UMM,Sean John,Roca Wear,Robert,G-unit,Shady Ltd and Vocal are the most sought after brands.
Convers and baseketball shoea in dark shades complete the look."Hiphop wear need not be exclusively designer wear.It is rather sporty-footballish or baseketballish.Attitudes is improtant to dress hiphop."
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