Time is our precious,far more precious than gold.It has a high value.We all have success to the same amount of time:24 hours in a day.By controlling your time,you can control your life.Effective time management means accomplishing more in less time.Be aware of the importance of time.Napolean Bonaparte.French General knew the value of Time. Make a list if the jobs you wish to do in order of their importance and work on them.Put everything possible on a time table.Honest self-monitoring on an hourly basis can do wonders.You will be able to work using less energy.The quickest way to do many things is to do only one thing at a time.When you have completed a task give yourself some kind of reward.Rewards help to provide motivation.
Examination come every year,even term,every month or every week.They upset students in no small measure.Life seems to be slavery with examinations.They seem to kill students 'enthusiasm in life.Are examinations necessary at all?In spite of their restraining effect,They also help the teacher go along the right lines.Periodical tests divided the learning task into them more cautions.A student is like a pregnant woman with a lot of worries and pain.Once the baby is born, the mother forgets all her pain and feels elated.
Similarly, when the results come, the student forgets all his trials and tribulations and enjoys his well-earned success. Examination are a welcome challenge for the hard worker and they are a punishment for the lazy..
EAT SMART Know more about the nutrient that provides high energy and helps cushion internal organs.
Now that the festive season has taken a break till New Year comes along,the bad three letter world-Fat-can be discussed.
Fats contains a little over double the energy value of carbs or proteins.They are the primary storage forms of energy in our body.They must be included in the diet to reduce the large quantities of carbs and proteins which will otherwise be needed to make up the required total calories.Fats are made of buildings blocks called fatty acids.
These are classified by their hydrogen content,'Hydrogenated fats' like Dalda are oils to which hydrogen is added to make them 'saturated' to resemble solid fats(fats that solidify st room temperature), like ghee,butter and margarine.Among oils,coconut oil is the most saturated.It solidifies in cold temperatures.
Familiar termsFat stores in the body:The excess energy(read:food)consumed and not spent by us us converted to fat and stored in the body in the form of adipose tissue.This is found just under the skin to provide padding for regulating body temperature and also ad a cushion for internal organs.
Adding on
Let's just look at the 'fat depots' of our body.Starting with the face,the puffed cheeks in a fat person; the 'double chin' at the jaw and neck areas are generally familial.The young and vibrant face changes into your typical dad or grands dad in a few years.
So,It's no earth-shaking discovery that we should be in full charge of our fat depots.While it's necessary to eat carbs and fats as energy giving foods,choose them judiciously and spend them completely,for which I recommend exercise.